In Wendy McElroy’s book review of Stephen Cox’s recent Isabel Paterson biography, “Isabel Paterson and the Idea of America,” she wonders:

Why has Paterson been so neglected? Or, more broadly, why did and does the libertarian movement — or radical individualism in general — not celebrate and embrace its fiction writers in the same manner as the Left? Upton Sinclair, Lillian Hellman, Max Eastman, John Steinbeck, Sinclair Lewis — these left-wing fiction writers were Paterson’s contemporaries. Like her, they had a dramatic impact on the culture and politics of their day. Unlike Paterson, they have claimed important niches in history, largely because of the attention of left-wing biographers and historians.

Well, one group of libertarians has celebrated libertarian fiction for almost 25 years – the Libertarian Futurist Society.