In “Books That I Have Not Yet Read” Part II, the reason I was led to Stolyarov’s novel was through his review of Noble Vision by Gen LaGreca. Already a nominee for the 2006 Prometheus Award (for best novel published in 2005), the web site calls Noble Vision a “medical suspense novel that delves deeply into the conflict in medicine today between private care and state.” Another review, by Dr. Jonathan Dolhenty also is quite favorable. In addition, the Autonomist also mentions the novel, citing the book’s publisher “Winged Victory Press, a Chicago-based independent press dedicated to publishing works that celebrate the American spirit of individualism.” A second novel is forthcoming by the same publisher. Noble Vision can be purchased through

A review in the pages of Prometheus is forthcoming this Fall. I corresponded briefly via email with LaGreca in 1998, and I fully intend to read this novel, despite the huge stack of books awaiting my attention.